Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11th

I hate rainy days. Today has not had any heavy rains, just a steady drizzle that makes you want to stay inside and read a good book.

As media specialist at the University level, I get to read books all the time! Granted, most of them are Childrens books of less than 12 pages, but I still get to steal moments here and there and enter another world.

My latest adventure was yesterday while waiting for a computer to reboot: Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I read the first 8 pages before this archaic computer did what it was supposed to, and MAN, what a great book!

I made myself put it down, or I'd have read the whole thing!


  1. awesome job - wish I had that one!
    I don't like rain either. Remember that Carpenters song? "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down."

  2. I read Diary #4 after hearing a review on NPR and laughed all the way through. Since I put it on the shelf in my room my 7th and 8th graders have been fighting over who will read it next. A great read on a rainy day...

  3. Seems there was a lot of rain everywhere today. I am heading for my chair and a good book now.
